The People of the Strange Town


You the people, of the strange town,

who bring strange tidings!

You the people, of the unknown time.

You, the people who are not connected

You, the people of the strange town.

You, the people, in flames.

You, the people.

I do not belong.

Neither do you.

I do not surpass.

Neither do you.

I do not transcend

Neither do you.

I do not fly.

Neither do you.

I do not feel.

You…neither do you

I do not belong.

Yet you do.

I stand, while you spite

I stare while you jeer

I ponder while you remark.

I do not belong

While you, you bond.

I am me, and you…

Are neither me, nor you nor us, nor them

I breathe, while you curb.

I do not belong.

Neither do you.

We are not one.

You! The people of the strange town.

The one’s in denial.

I do not belong.